Ethan Kirk
Ontario, Canada
Team Rider / Graphic Designer
Ethan Kirk was the very first member of the Trynyty team. His history with co-founders Cody Lacroix & Lloyd Bureau made him an easy choice. Ethan Takes care of a ton of our graphic design work all the while throwing down at Street Jams, Local Contests & of course working on full length projects. Ethan has an official signature griptape. V2 is coming soon! He likes his soup hot and tends to keep it Cozy.

Benjamin Lemieux
Quebec, Canada
Team Rider / Trend Consultant
The hometown hero from right here in Montreal,, Benjamin Lemieux is setting the tone on the Island for the next generation of French Canadian riders to come. A powerful and clean style developed over years of riding in the harsh terrain of Montreal has lead to a young shredder with endless potential. His signature griptape drops soon and he has a full part to follow it. No, he is not actually a trend consultant.

Cameron McRobbie
Ontario, Canada
Team Rider / Photographer
We have watched Cam grow from a Newmarket Ontario local indoor shredder to a top level pro. We surprised Cam at the 2019 Trynyty Pro Invitational in April and he has been on board ever since. Upon returning from the 2019 Dissidence Coalition V3 having taken 3rd place with his team, we knew it was time to get him a sig griptape. The signature griptape which he designed himself is available soon!

Angel Fuster
Lyon, France
Team Rider
While visiting Europe on a trip to continue developing Trynyty, Lloyd came across a French shredder by the Name of Angel Fuster from Lyon. Angel had some next level balance and control with a dope attitude as well. It became clear that he was meant to be our first European rider and this came to light in February of 2019. Angel has been on board ever since and as hungry as ever.

Bror Svensson
Norrköping, Sweden
Team Rider / Design Consultant
We first got in touch with Bror via Instagram and even tho it took us a while to get him his parts, the fit seemed great as soon as they arrived. With the brand growing ever more in Europe and Bror enjoying the feel of his parts we felt the Swedish shredder would make an excellent addition to the family. He will also be consulting with us in product development, something we are super excited about.